Budgeez - gestion de budget

by Benoit Bauchet



WHAT IS THE ENVELOPE METHOD OR “CASH STUFFING”?The envelope method or “cash stuffing” in English is...

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WHAT IS THE ENVELOPE METHOD OR “CASH STUFFING”?The envelope method or “cash stuffing” in English is now making a comeback, particularly because of the rising cost of living which requires us to be more vigilant in our spending.This is, for each month:- to identify all the expenditure items that we may have,- to determine the necessary budget for each position,- to draw the defined amount in cash, and store it in as many paper envelopes as there are positions.During the month, the goal is to no longer draw cash, no longer make card payments, and only use the money present in each of the envelopes (thus, no unpleasant surprises at the end of the month on the bank account).THE BUDGEEZ APP, HOW DOES IT WORK?The envelope method is very virtuous, but it no longer corresponds to our current way of life! Using this method would amount to banning card payments and online shopping!It is to preserve the principle of the method by adapting it to todays world that the Budgeez application was born. Thanks to the application:1. You create your virtual envelopes and define the amount you want to allocate to them every month: the envelopes are 100% configurable,2. You categorize your expenses automatically recovered thanks to the connection to your bank accounts, in each of your envelopes: more than 120 banks already available,3. You manage your budget without stressTOP 3 REASONS TO USE BUDGEEZ?1. All the benefits of the envelope method in your phoneThe envelope method has proven itself over time, but liquid is outdated! Its a shame to deprive ourselves of new technologies, because of a method of managing personal finances, when they allow us to save considerable time!2. Become aware of what you spend every month: no more overdraftPaying is very simple today, with your card, your phone or even your watch, in one click you can have emptied your entire bank account. Payments are made very simply, and money, which has become very intangible, can sometimes slip through our fingers.With Budgeez, categorizing each expense forces us to be aware of the money spent. When we are aware of what we spend, and what we have left to spend, we are much less likely to go over the fateful threshold of overdraft, because we pay attention every day, and we is never in the dark or in approximation about the agent we have left to spend until the end of the month.3. Learn to save to carry out a project, make a substantial purchaseToday we are used to immediacy: a purchase made in the morning is sometimes delivered in the afternoon. It is therefore very tempting to make a purchase, even a very large one, on a whim.With Budgeez: you plan a budget for each category. For certain envelopes, it is a budget that you will spend almost every month in full (for example food shopping), but for some, for example furniture or household appliances, you will set aside an amount every month, in anticipation of a possible breakage / a possible desire for change. When the planned purchase comes, you will certainly have waited several months to be able to make it, but you will have provisioned the necessary amount. The purchase will therefore be painless at the time, and above all you will have taken the time to mature your needs. WHO CAN USE THE APPLICATION?The application is aimed at all types of situations, in particular thanks to its 100% configurable envelopes, it adapts to both students with small budgets, those who need to provision for large projects, and couples who wish to better manage their budget together, to workers who want to track their expense reports!